Building Expert Capability with Free Tools, Boot Camps, Workshops, and ROI Certification
Start your ROI Institute journey by gaining accessing to a library of resources, tools, and case studies.
A selection of Virtual Boot Camps using the latest technology and techniques to ensure learning transfer.
ROI Institute's popular in-person workshops now in an online format. Offering one, two, and three day custom programs.
The gold standard in measuring the impact and ROI of programs, projects and initiatives using the ROI Methodology.
Connect with other practitioners of the ROI Methodology and share knowledge, insights, and best practices.
ROI Institute Partners and Associates have access to the tools and resources necessary for successful ROI implementation.
"There is no more important measure than business impact, yet many business professionals I encounter struggle with how to align their projects to business objectives. Jack and Patti Phillips not only use their years of experience in measuring impact, but also their vast network of contacts to arrive at 10 easy steps anyone can follow."
"The ROI Certification course was an eye opener and you introduced us to many practical examples and made us understand the concept very well, which helped me reflect at my working environment."
"ROI is a sound business methodology that is used to align business needs with training."
"Not only does ROI Methodology provide a formal process of evaluation, but also provides a way of thinking for all projects. "
"I came in just knowing what ROI stands for but really very little understanding of the Methodology. This was really important for me to apply ROI to the programs we support. "
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