Common Sense versus Common Practice
Oct 05, 2022Patti P. Phillips, Ph.D., and Jack J. Phillips, Ph.D.
During a recent conversation with a client, we were reminded of something we often encounter, the issue of common sense versus common practice. In our work over the last few decades with clients seeking to bring more accountability and results with learning and development, we thought we would reflect on the top five actions that are common sense but are not necessarily common practice.
1. Start with Why: Connect the Program to an Impact Measure.
When we make this statement, the response is usually, “Well, that’s common sense.” But we remind our clients that it’s not common practice. We all know that we should start with the end in mind. Too often, it’s perceived that the program ends when learning has occurred. That’s not enough. Sometimes clients assume that behavior change, or specific actions a participant takes, is the end. But an action or behavior without a consequence is just being busy. The individuals who fund and support L&D programs want impact. If you want to deliver impact, you start with the impact, and this approach gives everyone the focus needed to be successful.
2. Make Sure You Have the Right Solution.
When we offer this advice, clients say, “Well, that’s common sense,” and we agree. But too often, a program is implemented because someone suggested it; It may be a good idea, others are doing it, it’s featured in a new book, or for some other reason. The program is implemented without much understanding of its connection to a particular impact need in the organization. It’s not common practice to flip a request for learning into a solution that aligns with the business or conduct an analysis to ensure that it is the right solution.
3. Move Beyond Learning Objectives.
When we suggest that clients should set objectives for what they expect the participants to do (application) and the corresponding consequences it should have (impact), we often hear the comment, “This is common sense.” But again, it is not common practice. Fourteen years ago, in 2008, ATD published our book, Beyond Learning Objectives: Develop Measurable Objectives that Link to the Bottom Line. ATD requested the book and decided on the title because their members were not moving beyond learning objectives for their programs. Application objectives show participants what they should do next. Impact objectives explain why they are there. It is still not common practice 14 years later.
4. Evaluate More Programs at Application and Impact.
When we suggest pushing the evaluation beyond measuring learning for more programs, clients often say, “Well, that makes sense.” But unfortunately, it is still not common practice. The only way to know if you are making a difference in an organization is for participants to use what they’ve learned and have a corresponding impact. If we have no data to show that we make a difference, then the value of what we do comes into question. We need more evaluation at these levels.
5. Sort Out the Effects of Learning from Other Influences.
When learning appears to be connected to impact, we suggest that clients take a step to sort out the effects of learning on that impact, and we always get the response, “Well, that makes sense.” But again, it is still not common practice. You can do this, it is expected, and it’s not that difficult. The funders and supporters want to see this connection to the data. If you don’t do it, you really have no credibility at that level, which means you have no credibility connecting learning to key business measures. That’s not good.
What to Do?
If you are not convinced that senior executives want impact data, we suggest you discuss with senior executives how they like to see learning evaluated, using the typical levels of outcomes: reaction, learning, application, impact, ROI, and intangibles. They will usually focus on impact and ROI, because that’s the world in which they live. It would be best if you pushed evaluation up to those levels at least for expensive, important programs. Also, a tremendous amount of research has suggested that if you want to increase support, funding, and commitment for learning, connect learning to impact and ROI.
So what keeps you from moving from common sense to common practice? Think about your obstacles. Are they real or myths? Maybe doing this is not as difficult as you think. Let us know if we can help.
This article was originally published August 7, 2022 on