Do you need to demonstrate the value of potential and existing programs, projects, and initiatives, but lack the knowledge, skill, or experience? Close this gap by mastering the ROI Methodology through participation in the ROI Certification process. Through a combination of lecture, practice, on-the-job application, group coaching, and ongoing virtual support, you will develop capability to demonstrate and enhance the value of your programs. You will also become a member of a global network of professionals who have mastered the ROI Methodology.
ROI Institute's Virtual ROI Certification is ideal for professionals who cannot travel or prefer remote learning opportunities. Upon registering, you will review content, complete exercises, and engage in discussions in the ROI Certification portal at your convenience. You will also have the opportunity to engage in weekly group coaching sessions. Upon completion and acceptance of your ROI study, you will be awarded the Certified ROI Professional designation.
Upon registration, you will:
During the program, you will:
Due to the nature of conversations, live group coaching sessions will not be recorded.
Upon completion of the program, you will:
This program is for anyone who needs the skills to measure the impact of human resources, learning, and performance improvement programs. Individuals who need to demonstrate the business impact and ROI of other initiatives such as quality, process improvement, organizational change, and technology implementation will also benefit.
"ROI is a way of life as it pertains to the professional realm. I plan to integrate the ROI paradigm into my everyday work life."
"There is no more important measure than business impact, yet many business professionals I encounter struggle with how to align their projects to business objectives. Jack and Patti Phillips not only use their years of experience in measuring impact, but also their vast network of contacts to arrive at 12 easy steps anyone can follow."
"The ROI Certification course was an eye opener and you introduced us to many practical examples and made us understand the concept very well, which helped me reflect at my working environment."
"I plan to add credibility to my new training manager role and plan to do a study on our sales strategy."
"ROI Certification was so helpful. The process is more ingrained in my brain. I am excited to proactively evaluate the impact for our programs."
"I plan to institute (ROI) across all our TD functions locally and work with our HQ element to more broadly standardize. "
"ROI is a sound business methodology that is used to align business needs with training."
"ROI allows me the opportunity to show the value of Tribal Colleges in ways that are relevant to our stakeholders."
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